
Virtualbox shared folder change permissions
Virtualbox shared folder change permissions

virtualbox shared folder change permissions

I have restarted since adding my user to the vboxsf group. From the VirtualBox Manager, select your Kali Linux VM instance and click on the Shared Folders link in the right window pane. I have an auto-mount folder that maps to my D: drive on the host which I can access using sudo ls /media/sf_D_DRIVE - however, even when my user (ross) is a member of the vboxsf group I get a permission denied error when attempting to explore it. The regular way of getting access to the files now, is to allow VirtualBox to automount the shared folder (which will make it show up under /media/sfdirectoryname) and then to add your regular Ubuntu user to the vboxsf group (as root ). To check the permission of the file or folder. This can be done from the command line on the host with: VBoxManage sharedfolder add 'VM name' -name sharename -hostpath 'C:\test' By adding the option -readonly we can restrict these for read-only access. Permissions are rules associated with files that determine if you can access the file and what you can do with it. I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 (guest) on Windows 7 (host) with the guest additions installed. By default, VirtualBox shared folders are created with read/write permission for the guest.

Virtualbox shared folder change permissions