
Hortonworks sandbox virtualbox vs vmware
Hortonworks sandbox virtualbox vs vmware

hortonworks sandbox virtualbox vs vmware

Joab Jackson covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. The Hortonworks Data Platform version 1.2, released last week, offers new management and security tools. In addition to building a Hadoop sandbox, Hortonworks engineers have also been busy working on the company's flagship enterprise Hadoop distribution. The virtual machine package, which is built on the CentOS Linux distribution, will run on either VMware and Oracle Virtual Box environments. The Hortonworks Sandbox eliminates all that installation work, requiring only that the user download and run a virtual machine. In addition to installing the software and a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) if one is not already on the system, the user must also install a file system, and the software itself requires a user account, which could pose a security risk. The software requires a considerable amount of work to set up and run. This image runs within the free VMWare player, VirtualBox, or KVM and has Hadoop, Hive, Pig. While widely used, Hadoop can present a challenge for new users to learn, at least for data scientists and anyone who isn't a system administrator. Get up and running fast The Cloudera QuickStart Virtual Machine.

Hortonworks sandbox virtualbox vs vmware